Justin Nepa

Sep 17, 20202 min

Strategies to Afford Mental Health Treatment

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

Money is one of the biggest reasons why people don’t look for outpatient mental health treatment. They look at the hourly rates of a therapist, which might range from $100 to $300, and instantly assume they cannot afford expert assistance. Henceforth, they stop there. However, if you are also in a dilemma, you have many useful strategies to follow to afford a low-cost mental health treatment. Let’s discuss how!

1. Check out a Training Clinic

Training clinics provide patients with a sliding scale. Basically they are nestled in universities where graduate candidates get ready to become counseling or clinical psychologists. These students are supervised and trained by licensed psychologists who have many years of experience with particular mental health issues.

2. Take a Look at Your Insurance

In case you have insurance, arrange a list of insurance providers who either specialize in a specific mental health condition you are looking for help with or are in your geographic location. You might just need to pay small co-pays. In case your insurance does not cover therapy, receive the details on what they cover.

3. Read Self-Help Books

Books are highly recommended for personal development. You can stay connected with a local therapist for book suggestions for your particular concern. It can help you find some options and permit you to concentrate on quality resources.

4. Go for a Community Mental Health Center

Community mental health centers offer low-cost or free therapy choices and services covered by medical insurance. You can search a center using Google or take a look at the website of your state government for the Dept. of Human Services.

5. Reanalyze Your Expenses

Sometimes things you cannot afford are your priorities. Ponder in case you can rearrange your budget for accommodating therapy.

6. Attend Support Groups

Support groups are the lowest-cost or free than individual treatment. Mental health experts or peers may run them. Always ask a therapist whether he/she also provides lower-cost group sessions. The best thing about groups is meeting others who are also struggling with the same problems, which can make a reliable, secure, and authentic place. Consider online support groups also.

7. Visit Sites for Your Specific Concern

When a person is aware of his/her mental health requirements, navigating to a related site can be perfect. For example, if you are struggling with anxiety, you can find many valuable resources online.

8. Explore Self-Help Videos and Podcasts

Self-help videos and podcasts are also recommended. These have good advice and are very inspirational. While looking for podcasts online, consider terms like personal development or therapy. Although this is not like looking for a therapist, self-development needs personal time also. It does not all need to be regarding psychology either.

9. Consult Your Congregation

In case you belong to a religious congregator, talk to your priest, pastor, or preacher regarding your requirement and see whether your church provides therapy services or want to help pay for therapy.

Consider following these 9 strategies to afford outpatient mental health treatment and lead a healthy and quality life.
